The Weekend Jolt


It Came from Beneath the Banana

Dear Weekend Jolters,

I may be whistling The Good Ship Lollipop, but I am really somewhere in or on the Atlantic, aboard the Queen Mary 2 on the 2017 National Review Cruise, where your faithful correspondent is crushed from the work (nice if you can get it) that comes from luxury cruising. Weep for me. Anyway, here is a truncated edition of this weekend’s Jolt.

NRO Editorials

This past week there were two formal positions taken.

1. We called on President Trump to put an end to Obama’s immigration disaster, DACA.

2. On the Arpaio matter: we formally called the President’s action a “bad pardon.”

NR Podcasts

The new episode of The Editors is up and awaiting your ear drums. Rich, Michael Brendan Dougherty, Dan McLaughlin, and Theodore Kupfer talk about Hurricane Harvey, the pardon of Joe Arpaio, and the prospects for tax reform.

Over at Radio Free California, Will Swaim and David Bahnsen discuss Elon Musk’s latest technology gambit, Hyperloop, and why the Silicon Valley entrepreneur can’t seem to get it off the ground — or under the ground — in his home state. Also: How the powerful California Teachers Association spent its summer vacation, and David’s surprising take on the 2018 California governor’s race.

Over at Political Beats, episode two of our groovy new podcast features hosts Scot Bertram and Jeff Blehar talking about the Dave Matthews Band with our old colleague Robert Costa.

John J. Miller is at it again, discussing with author Paula Fredriksen her new book, Paul: The Pagan’s Apostle.

Three NRO Pieces I Recommend

1. I kid you not: College students are frightened by a banana peel. Kat Timpf reports.

2. More on Arpaio: Andy McCarthy writes that the pardon was unmerited, unnecessary, and impulsive.

3. HHS Secretary Dr. Tom Price (I love him!) writes that the Administration believes in the dignity of work.

Gotta Run

Sorry NR friends — when I get back next week I will give you and your events and books and whatever some deserving love and attention. Right now I have been ordered up to the Crow’s Nest: I’m on Iceberg Watch. So before I say adios, remember to not throw any debris over the side of the ship, fly the flag, say your prayers, squeeze the toothpaste tube from the bottom, and maybe visit the grave of a loved one and say a prayer.

God’s blessings on you and yours,

Jack Fowler

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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