National Review

Everyone Has Lost Their Minds

Abortion rights activists protest outside the venue of a summit by the conservative group ‘Moms For Liberty’ in Tampa, Fla., July 16, 2022. (Octavio Jones/Reuters)
The best way to support our original journalism — the in-depth reporting and the incisive commentary keeping the Left in check — is to subscribe.

As you might have noticed, everyone has lost their minds.

Conservatives of long standing have joined the other side, or essentially declared themselves non-combatants in the nation’s ongoing political contentions.

Another class of people on the right make it their business — often, literally — to find any excuse to justify or ignore the latest indefensible eruption from our former president.

And, all the while, the Left uses every instrument possible, whether blunt or subtle, whether within our institutions or on our streets, to advance an ideology so lunatic and fevered that it might give the Girondins pause.

Now, more than ever, there’s a need for what Bill Buckley called “right reason” — principled but not self-important, fierce but not unhinged, and fundamentally committed to speaking the truth and defending our nation from internal and external threats.

And that’s what you get every day at National Review.

If you appreciate what we do, and want to keep us strong and healthy for a fight that is just beginning, please consider signing up for NRPlus.

Short of giving us a pretty substantial contribution, there’s no better way to support our journalism.

Which is why we run these occasional “subathons” devoted to making the case for readers like you to become subscribers.

(By the way, we’re talking a decidedly double-digit expense here. It will cost you literally tens of dollars — if you act now to take advantage of our 60 percent off deal, or just slightly more if you bundle that with a print subscription.)

As I like to say, if National Review didn’t exist, no one would invent it — not in today’s divisive, highly commercial, clickbait-driven environment.

We do reporting no one else will do. Seriously, who’s going to care enough and take the time to dig into the trans-radicalism of the LGBT advocacy groups supported by Major League Baseball?

Who’s going to talk in-depth to a student falsely accused of sexual assault, or delve into whether the Georgia “fake” electors really did anything illegal, or give a forum to a fire-department chaplain fired for his politically incorrect views on males competing in girls’ sports, or push back against the nonsense about climate change destroying the Great Barrier Reef?

Who is going to have a journalist almost wholly dedicated to countering every bit of faddish and insidious nonsense about gender?

Is there any other publication that has been as relentless and excoriating about Joe Biden’s lawless student-loan-forgiveness program?

Where can you get a smarter, funnier, more timely take on the news shaping the day?

Is there anywhere to go for better, more incisive coverage of the legal and investigative wars that are now endemic to our politics?

We believe long-form journalism hasn’t gone out of style. Where else are you going to get a comprehensive, utterly authoritative account of the history of slavery that Nikole Hannah-Jones felt compelled to respond to, exposing herself in the process?

And who else is going to publish an entire issue of a print magazine devoted to overturning Roe v. Wade, an issue both read at the highest levels of the Supreme Court and brandished by pro-life activists at demonstrations?

Finally, there’s debate. Everyone says they favor it, but is there any place else that brings together smart people who have different views on conservative strategy, tactics, and philosophy, and lets them have at it, in an abiding belief that clashing views based on shared principles are a sign of health and help establish the truth?

Anyway, if you’ve read this far, I expect you already know all this, and it’s just a question of whether you are prepared to make the (quite minimal) time commitment and (also quite minimal) financial commitment to sign up.

Believe me. It’s worth it, not just to help us, but to unlock various benefits that will make your experience here much better.

You’ll no longer have to worry about the paywall, and what’s behind it and what’s not. You just sign up and log in, and that’s the end of it — everything is available to you.

If you’re signed in, you’ll see far fewer ads on the website, and no obnoxious pop-ups.

You can comment on articles and blog posts, if you want to join that conversation.

You get digital access to the print magazine.

And you’ll receive invitations to exclusive calls and events.

We had a big NRPlus call a couple of weeks ago with Larry Kudlow, while Charlie and MBD and I recently did, as we try to do routinely, a much smaller, informal Zoom chat with subscribers.

We just had a meet-up with NRPlus members in L.A., and will be having more around the country.

This is all great, but I don’t want to suggest that it’s anything more than incidental to the core question.

If you agree that we still need right reason, that we need to be engaged in the fight every day, but we should do it with facts and the best arguments, and that America is still the last best hope of Earth, then we have a publication just for you and that we believe deserves your support.

If you’re already a subscriber, thank you very much, and we hope to see you soon. If not, please, consider chipping in to our cause and signing up.

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