The Corner

NR Webathon

Believe the Hype

Outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology, February 2021 (Thomas Peter/Reuters)

Writing about the recent Department of Energy report concluding that Covid-19 most likely emerged from a lab leak, our Jim Geraghty is characteristically humble in today’s Morning Jolt. “’I could begin with, ‘Nyah-nyah I was right,’” he notes, but chooses, “instead of gloating,” to provide some important context backing up the Department’s claim.

Jim’s humility is unsurprising. But I am more than happy to be his hype man. Mere weeks after Covid-19 reached our shores and upended our lives, Jim was already mapping out the “Trail Leading Back to the Wuhan Labs.” The course of time has only vindicated this initial suspicion, to such an extent that it now appears folly to deny. But things were not always thus. Jim, with National Review‘s full support, valiantly assailed conventional wisdom and prevailing sentiment from many quarters in those early days. It was but one of many examples of this institution’s thoroughgoing mission to combat the lies that beset modern public life, from trans insanity to 1619 Project fakery and everything in between.

Standing athwart lies takes guts, and you’ll find that aplenty here. It also takes support, for which we’ve always relied on our readers. We will always be grateful for you, and strive to be worthy of your esteem. If you are grateful for our work, on lab leaks and other invaluable subjects, and believe we have earned your favor, then we humbly request that you give to ensure we can continue to serve you – and to serve the truth. That’s hype you can believe in.


Jack Butler is submissions editor at National Review Online, media fellow for the Institute for Human Ecology, and a 2022–2023 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow at the Fund for American Studies.  
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