The Corner

The “Big” Arrest: What’s The Deal?

ABC is reporting this SAM arrest is not as big a deal as it is being made out to be. Here’s some of what our man Jim Robbins [DID YOU READ HIM ON NORTH KOREA AND JOHN BOLTON TODAY–YOU SHOULD] has to say about it: “I had wondered what the big deal was myself, I figured there was something that wasn’t being reported. It could be that this was an attempt to get information on other people, or maybe the Russians were trying to show how cooperative they are. Hard to believe we just did it to look like we were doing something because there are so many untold stories that could be told that are much more dramatic and interesting. If the public is left with the impression that our intelligence and law-enforcement personnel are dropping the ball, or that this event reflects the full magnitude of the ongoing threat, it will hurt the war effort. I wish the administration would tell more of the true success stories, but I also understand the need for secrecy.”

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