The Corner

That Bishop

More, um, commentary from Bishop Stephen Lowe, interesting in its own right, but also interesting as an example of the anti-Americanism of the european left:

“There can be little doubt that the Bush administration sees itself as the upholder of world order and that its value system and way of life should be imposed, if necessary, by economic or even military means upon the rest of the world. I gather that on one section of the Great Wall of China there is now an enormous plastic statue of Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, whose contribution to American obesity is only challenged by Macdonald’s. I find this uncritical sense of superiority coming from the United States about its values and way of life one of the most frightening aspects of global life. A nation that has so much power over world order and yet threatens the future of the world by its gas-guzzling attack on the world environment seems to lack a moral conscience, yet proclaims its own rightness in all things with pride that borders on arrogance…”

Oh, whatever, Bishop, whatever.

Via blogger Christopher Johnson </p

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