The Corner


Blame the Dobbs Leaker

Yesterday, the state of Michigan voted to enshrine a right to “reproductive freedom” into its state constitution, making it one of the most extreme states in the country in terms of abortion policy.

As I explained earlier:

Proposal 3 would effectively enshrine a right to abortion on demand up to birth, remove parental-consent requirements for minors seeking “reproductive care” (abortion, contraception, and sterilization), and prevent patients from filing malpractice lawsuits in the case of botched abortions.

Alexandra DeSanctis argues that we ought not to blame Dobbs for the Republican defeat. I would only add that we ought to blame the leaker of the Dobbs draft opinion for getting Proposal 3 on the ballot in Michigan. As John Bursch, the former solicitor general for Michigan, explained to National Review: “In Michigan, you only have a small window in order to collect the requisite number of signatures. They were off to a terrible start. It didn’t look like they were going to get anywhere near the number of signatures. And the Dobbs draft opinion was leaked, then immediately Planned Parenthood poured millions of dollars into hiring additional . . . signature gatherers.”

Madeleine Kearns is a staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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