The Corner

Brimming Cups of Joe

Well, if we’re on the topic of  Stalin, here’s Pablo Neruda, poet and Nobel laureate, marking the old boy’s death with a few carefully-chosen words:   

To be men! That is the Stalinist law! . . .

We must learn from Stalin

his sincere intensity

his concrete clarity. . . .

Stalin is the noon,

the maturity of man and the peoples.

Stalinists, Let us bear this title with pride. . . .

Stalinist workers, clerks, women take care of this day!

The light has not vanished.

The fire has not disappeared,

There is only the growth of

Light, bread, fire and hope

In Stalin’s invincible time! . . .

In recent years the dove,

Peace, the wandering persecuted rose,

Found herself on his shoulders

And Stalin, the giant,

Carried her at the heights of his forehead. . . .

A wave beats against the stones of the shore.

But Malenkov will continue his work.

  I guess Malenkov blew it.

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