The Corner

Politics & Policy

Chris Cuomo’s Abortion Foolishness

CNN’s Chris Cuomo at a Democratic town hall in Los Angeles, Calif., October 10, 2019. (Mike Blake/Reuters)

My colleague David Harsanyi had an excellent piece on the homepage yesterday afternoon eviscerating a recent CNN segment in which Chris Cuomo launched several ignorant attacks against the pro-life movement. There’s not much more to say on the subject, as David covered the rebuttal so thoroughly, but I’ll add one quick point.

In addition to various other ill-informed and illogical comments, Cuomo recycled one of the silliest claims favored by legal-abortion advocates: “It seems like the far right only cares about protecting humans before they are born.”

As David ably points out, Cuomo gives away the game with that verboten word: “human.” But he also falls into the same error that all abortion proponents do when they offer this comment.

Even if it were the case that pro-lifers cared about only those human beings still within the womb — a ridiculous and easily disproven assertion — such a state of affairs would not absolve the abortion supporter from defending his own animosity toward those human beings.

Abortion supporters make this assertion not because they have any evidence of the anti-abortion movement devaluing human beings outside the womb but because it helpfully deflects from their own refusal to acknowledge the right to life of those inside it.

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