The Corner


COP27: Prometheus’s New Punishment

Prometheus (or so the best-known version of the story goes) was the Titan who stole the gift of fire, which had been taken away from mankind by an angry Zeus, and restored it to humanity. In other accounts, Prometheus gave man other skills too, from technology to medicine, as tools to help us advance.

As punishment, an even angrier Zeus had Prometheus chained to a rock. An eagle was sent to eat his liver each day (it regrew overnight).

That was bad enough, but for poor Prometheus to be hit by a demand for reparations by the COP27 crowd for the climate change supposedly caused by the progress he had set in motion, for that fire, seems a touch ungrateful.

To be sure, some say Prometheus was rescued by Hercules, but, if so, climate activists will soon have the poor Titan back on that rock, while we are just left to stagnate in the cold.

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