The Corner

Politics & Policy

Democrats for Life Blasts House Democrats for Voting to Kill Hyde Amendment

Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life, issued the following statement on Thursday blasting House Democrats for voting unanimously to kill the Hyde amendment:

Today, the House passed the first spending bill in 45 years that does not include the Hyde Amendment, one of the most critical pro-life protections that America has on the books. We are deeply disappointed and disturbed that House Democrats removed this bipartisan provision that has protected preborn human life for decades.

Democrats are out of touch with mainstream Americans who overwhelmingly object to funding abortion. 

For a party that champions minority communities, repealing Hyde is the epitome of hypocrisy as minorities are overrepresented in abortion numbers. Over fifty percent of abortions occur among women of color. For a party that cares about protecting human rights, the Democrats turn their backs on the tiniest humans. For a party that normally supports struggling families, this policy tells those families that abortion is the preferred option when they lack the money to raise that child. For a party that opposes protecting and prioritizing corporate interests, removing Hyde will funnel millions of dollars to the corporate interest of the abortion lobby. 

The fight to Save Hyde is not over. Our work is just getting started. We urge pro-life voters to join DFLA in raising their voices to oppose publicly funded violence against preborn children. We demand our tax dollars fund real, life-affirming healthcare options, not the violence of abortion.

The House Democrats have not only removed a law that saves lives, but they have also repealed one of the last olive branches the party had extended to pro-life voters. This decision will have drastic consequences for every single Democrat who voted to repeal it. We urge pro-life voters to make this their priority issue for 2022.  We must show our party that this action is wrong and that votes have consequences.  

We call on Senate Democrats, including Sen. Mark Kelly (AZ), Sen. Tim Kaine (VA), [Sen.] Maggie Hassan (NH), and Sen. Bob Casey (PA), to join Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) in supporting the Hyde Amendment, a common-sense, life-saving policy. 

The Democratic Party needs to stop pretending that abortion empowers women. The Democratic party needs to stop degrading poor and minority communities by killing their future generations.

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