The Corner

NR Webathon

‘Don’t Let THEM Immanentize the Eschaton!’

National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr. in the magazine’s early years

Eric Voegelin coined the phrase, and Bill Buckley popularized it, and yeah, back in the day young conservatives wore buttons proclaiming it. Donor Ed — responding to our flash webathon, which ends tonight — sent NR a sweet $100 with an inspiring message: “Don’t let THEM immanentize the Eschaton!”

Our comprehensive efforts fighting socialism (and the nasty ideologues who propagate it) may boil down to that directive, and we appreciate Ed’s encouragement, in no small part become it is marinated in WFB nostalgia. Of course, as much as NR needs encouragement, it needs the financial support of selfless readers. To date since this effort began on Monday, some 600 people have blessed NR with $54,000. Could it be possible that by midnight tonight another $25,000 will see its way here, all of it to be used to keep NR armed to the teeth and engaged in hand-to-hand front-line combat with the progressive and Marxist ideologues hellbent on destroying America as the land of e pluribus unum?

NR is a cause. Your cause. We’d like to think you’d think, “Yes, it merits my support.” That, indeed, is the view of many donors, some who, like Ed, along with their consequential cash, send words of inspiration.

  • Arianne deals us a sweet $50 and reveals a post-prodigal affinity: “I’m not sure how or when I rediscovered NR, but in a world that’s less educated, less informed, and closed-minded, I turn to NR for honest, profound insight and accurate representation of current events.” Amen! And thanks very much.
  • Ian splurges with $100 on this media unicorn: “In too many ways this is not a good time for conservatives. Having judge Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court will be a vital step in a better direction. More generally, National Review does important work and with a wit and grace that is all too rare. Keep fighting for a better future.” Keeping, thanks to generous friends such as you.
  • Alan spots us a Fifty and admits that NR has cracked the code: “Blood from a turnip, Jack.” You look more like a butternut squash, but regardless – we are deeply appreciative of this donation.
  • Steven sends $100 and reveals a wit: “‘A Republic, if you can keep it,’ said Mr. Franklin. I don’t want to contemplate how we could keep the Republic without NR. So, a Benjamin. Hopefully, more to follow.” Whatever happens, we’ll always have this donation. Thanks so much, Steve.
  • Momma mia, Robert goes long and sends $1,000, and says what a lot of folks are thinking: “ACB is by far one of the most qualified lawyers to be put forth for the Supreme Court. From what I can see she is also a wonderful and caring person. There is an irony in the Dems trying to knock a mother of seven out of her appointment to the highest court in the land. The next battle will be stopping the radical Left from packing the Court!” Glad you are with us on the ramparts in this battle, and deeply appreciate the support.
  • And then another Grand comes from Chris, who knows sanity when he sees it: “The bastions of reason are few and far between — both on the right and left. Happy to help support one of the few left.” You’re happy? OK, but not as happy as we are. Can’t thank you enough.
  • Patricia puts $50 in the collection basket “Thank you for being a voice of reason in this time of irrationality. When what is down is up, you bring it into focus. I appreciated you all.” Back at you, and double.

No donation to NR is too big, none to small. All are appreciated, and every cent sent will be used to defend our conservative principles — which are indeed the principles of our Republic — by articulating them, and by fighting those who would seek their destruction. Your selfless contribution matters in this. Your camaraderie matters too. Please donate to our webathon, done securely here. If you prefer to donate by check, make yours check payable to “National Review” and mail it to: National Review, ATTN: Webathon, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036. God bless all, especially those who have been supporters of our efforts.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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