The Corner



Sometimes the symbolism of a story is, well, perfect . . .

The Daily Telegraph:

A frequently vandalised Euro sculpture in front of the former European Central Bank headquarters is set to be sold to the highest bidder because it costs too much to maintain.

The 14-metre statue was erected to celebrate the introduction of the euro in 2001 and has since become a symbol of Eurozone decision-making.

But when the ECB decided to move its headquarters to another location in Frankfurt, Germany, the central bank’s bosses opted not to take the 50-ton sculpture with them.

The artwork — a giant euro sign surrounded by 12 yellow stars, by German artist Ottmar Horl — has been maintained by the Frankfurt Culture Committee, a non-profit organisation, for the past 21 years. That currently costs the committee some €250,000 every year.

“At this very moment, the symbol is as well damaged and bedaubed,” a spokesman said.

Manfred Pohl, who is in charge of the sculpture’s upkeep, blamed increasing vandalism over the past two years and a lack of corporate sponsorship for the committee’s decision to auction it off.

“We have contacted 110 banks over the past 12 months, and 90 didn’t even bother answering,” he said of his efforts to secure new funding to keep the artwork in Frankfurt….

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