The Corner

A Frenchman Writes…

A Frenchman writes in response to the earlier post on Chirac’s attempt to spin England’s victory in the rugby world cup as a triumph for ‘Europe’:

“You shouldn’t talk about things you don’t understand. The English victory was a victory for all Europe but you americans will never see that or understand why. The hate you ooze is disgusting. I only wish you all could have seen the South African side singing its anthem before each of its games. This was something beyond words for me: the entire team, multiple cultures, side by side, black and white — all belting out words of peace and freedom in four languages (Xhosa, Sesotho, Afrikaans, and English), merging multiple melodies and diverse histories into a single voice. I don’t see something like this happening in america very soon, despite 9-11 and what it is suppose to have changed in your egoists/american hearts.”

Americain? Moi?

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