The Corner

The Gosnell Verdict and the Culture of Death

The Gosnell verdict has meaning far beyond this particular case. It reveals the true nature of an industry whose product is death and heartbreak, masked by the duplicitous propaganda of “choice.” It indicts a profession that fails to rid itself of members whose practices are reminiscent of an ancient age of barbarism. It condemns the political and government mindset — not just in Philadelphia, but in other “liberal” areas such as New York — so ideologically blinded in its devotion to sexual liberation without consequences that it ignores the duty to enforce rudimentary health and safety codes. It casts judgment upon a society so deeply steeped in the Culture of Death that it averts its eyes from the reality of abortion — thousands of lives snuffed out every day, others damaged physically or psychologically — until a grossly sensational story compels it to pay brief attention. The verdict offers our wounded society a moment of painful self-awareness. It also holds out a chance to turn away from the path that leads to the Gosnell clinics around us, and enter instead the path of reason, compassion, love, and redemption. We must pray — and work — that our society chooses rightly.

— Edward T. Mechmann is assistant director of the Family Life/Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York.

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