The Corner

Great Scot

In the years since the establishment of a Scottish parliament, developments in that country have filled me with more than customary gloom (I’m half Scottish), but if you want a break from election fever over here read – and relish – the comments of “Cartesian rationalist”, chemist and farmer, Jock Stewart:

“Organic farming had, he told a conference, resulted in “weed infested middens” of farms and fields saturated with copper sulphate – poisonous, but the only control allowed against potato blight under organic rules.”

Weed infested middens!

The great man concluded as follows: “I have been fighting this fight for the last ten years and there are times when I despair. The creeping miasma of green drivel is everywhere.”

A wee dram (or three) of Laphroaig on me next time you are in New York, Mr. Stewart.

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