The Corner

I Don’t Think He’s Being Ironic

Alexandre Trudea, son of Pierre, writing in the Toronto Star:

“He synthesizes information quickly and gets back to you with ever deeper and more complex questions, getting more and more excited as he illuminates, through his Socratic interrogation, new parcels of knowledge and understanding he might add to his own mental library. His intellect is one of the most broad and complete that can be found. He is an expert on genetics, on automobile combustion engines, on stock markets. On everything. Combined with a Herculean physique and extraordinary personal courage, this monumental intellect makes Fidel the giant that he is. He is something of a superman…Cubans will always feel privileged that they, and they alone, had Fidel.”

Many Cubans might choose a different adjective.

Read the whole thing, if you can face it, here.

Hat-tip: Harry

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