The Corner

National Review

Inside the February 24, 2020 Issue

Out today and available to read (completely if you are an NRPLUS subscriber!) is the new issue of your favorite conservative magazine, which is packed, cover to cover, from “The Week” to Heather Wilhelm’s “Happy Warrior” tale of novel-writing (and that truism about truth: that it’s stranger than fiction) with exceptional articles and reviews.

If you don’t mind, we’ll suggest four pieces to dig into, leading off, of course, with the cover essay by Daniel Mahoney on Pope Francis (the “Wayward Shepherd” leading his flock down an erroneous path). Then there is Kevin Williamson’s colorful and caustic essay about the homelessness plight gripping Austin, Alexandra DeSanctis’s from-the-hustings report on Joe Biden’s veering-Left presidential campaign, and, from the acclaimed Books, Arts & Manners section, Richard Tempest’s review of the new English translation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Red Wheel “epopee,” March 1917. (It’s one of four takes on new and important books, and attending them, as ever, is Ross Douthat’s always-engaging movie review — this issue he sizes up Adam Sandler’s Uncut Gems.)

Yes, all told, it is another wonderful NR issue. If you are not an NRPLUS subscriber, you won’t get to enjoy all those suggestions: Access to magazine content is limited. But you can remedy that with your NRPLUS membership, an affordable thing that also . . . affords . . . an improved website experience, plus plenty of additional benefits. Join and enjoy!

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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