The Corner

National Review

Inside the November 11, 2019 Issue of National Review

It’s out today. You will be able to read the entire issue if you are an NRPLUS subscriber (there’s a limit if you’re not), and considering the cover pieces alone, we’re confident you wish you were. But about the issue: the primo pieces are excerpts from two long-awaited books, sure to be the instigators of major conservative debate and discussion. There’s the big-and-important selection from Rich Lowry’s The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free, and a major slice from Richard Brookhiser’s forthcoming Give Me Liberty: A History of America’s Exceptional Idea (the selection is from Rick’s chapter on the 1785 creation of the New York Manumission Society — it’s a true history lesson). Both books share the formal publication date of November 5.

From start to finish, every piece in the new issue merits your attention and interest, but we’ll use this opportunity to recommend just three additional articles: Jay Nordlinger’s profile of Tanya Chan, a leader of the Hong Kong freedom movement; Ramesh Ponnuru’s commentary on the declining stock of the First Amendment amongst Democratic presidential contenders; and road warrior Kevin Williamson’s tribute to the SUV. Great stuff.

Let’s recap: Check out the issue, get NRPLUS, and if you want to do a solid for someone who would enjoy all of NR’s fortnightly conservative brilliance, give NR as a gift!

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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