The Corner

A Merciful Sentence

When the Senate convenes today it will take up an important sentence on page twelve, lines 10 through 18, in the House-passed continuing resolution regarding the “preventative services” mandate: 

Section 2713(a)(4) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg–13(a)(4)) shall not be effective for any period before January 1, 2015, with respect to the requirement for specific coverage for any sponsor of a group health plan (or, in the case of student health plans, the institution of higher education offering such plans), health insurance issuer, or individual opposing such requirement for coverage based on religious or moral objections.

Don’t buy the women’s-health hype. This is about religious liberty. And today it’s simply about delaying the crippling fines as these cases work their way through the courts (the Department of Justice asked the Supreme Court to consider the issue just last week).

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