The Corner

Multiculturalism Watch

People often give dumb answers to opinion pollsters just for the hell of it, and I’ve no idea how many people participated in this survey, but, if it’s in any way accurate, the results are dismaying:

“Almost a quarter of British Muslims believe the July 7 terror were justified because of Britain’s support for the war on terror, a poll has revealed.

And nearly half said the 9/11 attacks on New York were a conspiracy between the US and Israel. The survey found Muslims under the age of 24 were twice as likely to justify the 7/7 attacks as those aged over 45. It found 24 per cent across all age groups either agreed or tended to agree that the 7/7 bombings were justified, although 48 per cent said they “strongly disagreed” and 17 per cent said they did not know. A third of those questioned said they would rather live under Sharia law in the UK than British law.”

What’s particularly interesting is that younger Muslims are so much more militant than their elders. In part, that’s just a function of their youth, but it’s impossible not to believe that it may also be a product of the fact that they are young enough to have spent their entire life in a country under the sway of multiculturalist orthodoxy.

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