The Corner

Museum Piece

Four years ago, the French government paid to set up a museum in the town of Sarran. Its purpose? Housing gifts given to Jacques Chirac by various foreign dignatories (the gifts he declares anyway) but no-one seems that impressed. The Daily Telegraph has more:

“[It] has gone almost three times over budget and is steadily losing money as admission figures slump.”

No surprises there, but then an official, a “senior county councilor”, no less, gives this horrifying glimpse of the bleak, joyless existence of the tots, crones and geezers of Sarran saying, well, this:

“The museum is a superb tourist and cultural asset, both in terms of the permanent exhibition and the temporary presentations as many visiting schoolchildren and elderly people would agree.”

Is there really nothing else for these wretches, some of the most vulnerable members of society after all, to do?

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