The Corner

NR Webathon

‘Now More Than Ever’

National Review founder William F. Buckley Jr. (National Review)

With just hours to go in National Review’s fall webathon, readers like you pushed us past $150,000. Thank you, friends, thank you.

These funds will go towards supporting the most essential, fearless conservative journalism in America. For 66 years, NR has pointed the way towards a better culture, a better society, and a better politics.

If you haven’t yet contributed, I invite you to join the hundreds of other readers just like you who have helped us continue the long fight towards advancing conservatism in America.

  • One anonymous reader sent in $500, adding, “This contribution is given to honor Jim Geraghty. My life has been enriched for over forty years by learning from the pages of National Review. Jim Geraghty’s daily updates on the coronavirus have been beyond valuable: this political writer, writing for a political audience, has done the entire world a service in his relentless pursuit and synthesis of the science and other facts about the pandemic.”

We couldn’t agree more about Jim’s groundbreaking work covering the pandemic these last 18 months. As our friend Peter Travers has said, Jim deserves a Pulitzer Prize for his analysis of the  “lab leak” theory, among his many other reports on the virus.

  • Joanne writes. “Now more than ever, we need National Review for facts and sane commentary.”

Thank you, Joanne. We appreciate your support and encouragement.

  • Michael puts a 50 dollar note into the hat and writes, “ATHWART, MY FRIENDS! ATHWART!”

Michael, we are very grateful for the generosity of our readers. It’s not an exaggeration to say that without the readers, subscribers, and contributors just like you, we couldn’t have kept this ship afloat for 66 years.

Will you help us push forward? Put wind in our sails by subscribing to NRPlus and contributing to the final hours of National Review’s fall webathon.

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