The Corner

Nurses Win TRO in New Jersey Conscience Case

I am informed that a federal judge in Newark today issued a temporary restraining order protecting nurses from being coerced by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey to assist in the performance of abortions. As noted here yesterday, the state hospital has been attempting to force nurses to participate in abortions despite federal and state law which holds that those who conscientiously object may refrain from participation.

The TRO extends only for two weeks — until November 18. That is, even though the TRO really does nothing other than require the state hospital to obey the law, UMDNJ did not agree to obey the law permanently — in order to promote abortion, it apparently intends to fight against the laws that safeguard freedom of conscience.

In yesterday’s post, I expressed the hope that Governor Christie would get involved and do whatever he can to ensure that this state institution complies with its legal obligations. I have nothing to report in the way of activity from the governor — though I hasten to add that today’s proceedings were judicial: litigation between the hospital and the nurses; they did not call for the governor to take any action.

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