The Corner

Oh, the Humanity

The Huffington Post (UK) reports on a piece of news that has cast a terrible pall over London’s Olympics.

Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, will not attend any event at the London 2012 Olympics, a move interpreted as a “diplomatic snub”. Although 140 Argentinian athletes are expected to compete in 28 events in the Olympic Games, the nation’s leader will not be seen supporting from the stands. The Argentine embassy told the Independent that the outspoken President would not be attending the Games, but did not confirm whether her absence was meant to be deliberately provocative.

All over the British capital, small groups of shaken and despondent Londoners, already reeling from rumors that neither (newly-married?) Kim Jong-un nor Carrot Top would be attending the games, have gathered to discuss this new blow.

In response, London mayor Boris Johnson (or, quite possibly, an unruly  subversive group acting without his authority) has issued an emergency “Olympic welcome” (warning: includes disgracefully indecorous use of London’s junkyard Olympic logo).

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