The Corner

Potter’s Field

Here’s an interesting article from <a href="

“>Saturday’s (yes, yes, I’m catching up) New York Times on a Christian ‘rival’ to Harry Potter written by a vicar from the UK. Well, why not? In the books of Philip Pullman, there’s an explicitly atheist contender, so this latest effort can only add to, dread word, the diversity of what’s on offer, so good for the vicar.

The only oddity about this story comes from what it reveals about some of the Potterphobes out there. There’s the lady from Houston who had not allowed her children to read Harry Potter when they were young, and hadn’t read the series herself. “I don’t desire to have it in my hands because of the witchcraft,” she told the Times. Well, that’s her right, of course, but I wonder if she’s not forgetting something. Harry Potter is fiction.

And so, I would add, are the powers of the occult.

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