The Corner

Politics & Policy

Shockingly, the Democratic Nominee Will Visit Wisconsin

Joe Biden’s schedule is picking up a bit. After only hosting a virtual fundraiser yesterday, today the Democratic nominee will receive a briefing from education leaders and experts in Wilmington, Del., which will include a photo opportunity for press covering his campaign.

After, Biden will deliver remarks on “how Trump’s failure to address COVID-19 is impacting students, educators, and children, and his plan to safely and effectively reopen schools,” which will be open to the press, although there’s no word on whether Biden will answer questions. Thursday, Biden will indeed travel to Kenosha, Wis. to “hold a community meeting in Kenosha to bring together Americans to heal and address the challenges we face. After, Vice President Biden and Dr. Biden will make a local stop.”

It may surprise some people to learn this will be the first time Biden visited the state of Wisconsin since the year 2018, when he appeared in Milwaukee for an event with Senator Tammy Baldwin and gubernatorial candidate Tony Evers.

Thursday’s event will interrupt a Democratic nominee tradition of not going to Wisconsin.

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