The Corner

Time to Move Nato?

“Left-wing Belgian lawyer” – the very words conjure up an image that is petty, pedantic and yet somehow rather sinister. Well, one of these creatures is now trying to arrange for the prosecution of General Franks for “war crimes” in Iraq. The Sunday Telegraph has the background:

“A Brussels-based diplomat told The Telegraph that it would be “clearly unwise” for Gen Franks to visit the alliance’s headquarters while he faces the possibility of a war crimes prosecution.”

So is it time to move NATO headquarters from Brussels? Without the various international organizations to which it plays host, Brussels would be nothing more than a splendid, but bankrupt restaurant. So, it’s time to at least make the threat, even if it seems a little premature. Belgium needs to understand that there’s a price to be paid for its posing – and the prospect of all those departures from its capital city might concentrate its mind most wonderfully.

Where could NATO go? Well, over in New Europe, the Poles would probably be glad to oblige – Warsaw’s weirdly attractive Palace of Culture would be a suitably ironic location.

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