The Corner

We’ve Met Our Goal

Many of you were very kindly responsive to our effort to raise funds supporting NR’s Summer Intern program (which covers two ten-week internships). As of 4 am on Saturday, we’ve raised nearly $11,000, from some 110 people. We thank you for your generosity. Our Webathon continues until tomorrow at midnight, so we hope you will continue to show support for NR — any additional funds raised will be used to cover the expenses for our Fall 2015 interns (another $5,000).

Let’s admit it: It’s been a rough week, and a rough couple of months, where, in addition to SCOTUS’s Constitution-trashing, we debated things such as the blackness of a white person, the “heroism” of a transgender, the “evil” of a flag, and even – as Kat Timpf reports – how the phrase “trigger warning” is itself a trigger. We all wonder: What’s the next absurdity? Some will want to run and hide (or, like the title of a old Broadway show, yell “Stop the World — I Want to Get Off”). Who could blame them? But others want to do what we do — fight. Like Jack B, who just sent NR $100, along with these thoughts:

These have been a grim couple of days . . . King v. Burwell and the Obergefell decision, but NRO has provided some comfort, and I thank you. May this contribution support the effort to continue to fight the good fight and present diverse viewpoints from a conservative, libertarian, and truly liberal perspective.

Thanks Jack, and amen to your sentiments. We were made to fight the good fight. And we do. All the better with the continued support of our readers.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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